The online streaming industry is rapidly growing and changing. It presents a range of opportunities that were previously not economically viable at a grassroots level, such as national and global broadcasting.
The global streaming market is currently valued at $50.1 billion. Netflix alone has over 74 million subscribers, and the industry continues to see the introduction of new services that are streamlined for specific audiences and demographics.
Consumers are investing more of their time and money in video streaming services due to a combination of convenience, choice, quality, originality, and price.
Criteo recently surveyed more than 9,000 video viewers globally to understand what, how, and why consumers watch in 2021 and beyond.
In addition to spending time at home, the flexibility of watching anytime and anywhere and the availability of new and original content are the top reasons for watching more streaming content. Two in 5 viewers enjoy the availability of free content, and 1 in 4 say streaming gets them a better value for their money.